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Thursday, May 5, 2011

breast health centre on wheels will take educational

B.C.'s first mammography and breast health education centre on wheels will hit the road this summer.

B.C.'s first mammography and breast health education centre on wheels will hit the road this summer.

Photograph by: Ian Smith, PNG, Vancouver Sun; Postmedia News

A big pink bus aimed at persuading more B.C. women over age 40 to get mammograms launched a summer tour Wednesday with a stop at the Vancouver Art Gallery.
The Pink Tour, run by the B.C./Yukon chapter of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, will provide information on breast health and make mammogram appointments for women.
"The idea is to criss-cross the province as much as we can in those four months and really bring the story close to home, into small communities, into big communities, into festivals and fairs," said Linda Morris, head of the foundation's B.C./Yukon region. "If we can reduce risk and get women in to their mammograms on a regular basis, we can make a huge difference."
The cancer foundation says 51 per cent of B.C. women aged 40 to 79 get regular checkups through the province's free screening program.
Organizers of the tour say if 70 per cent of eligible women got regular mammograms, breast cancer deaths could be reduced by up to a third.
The bus tour was inspired by a bus campaign last year in Atlantic Canada, which in turn was launched after B.C.'s earlier Tour for a Cure campaigns visited the province's malls for several years.
Morris says the bus's mobility will help the program reach more people than previous awareness campaigns, which centred on indoor shopping mall displays.
The bus will be open to the public more than 70 days. While most stops will be in the Lower Mainland, it will also roll to Vancouver Island, the Okanagan and the B.C. Interior.
Information will be distributed in English, Punjabi and Chinese and the bus is wheelchair-accessible.
"There are no barriers in terms of geography and no barriers in terms of language," said Morris.
Morris said the tour's success will be measured by the number of women registering for mammograms through the bus and through the website.
Organizers of the bus tour campaign say B.C. has the best provincial survival rate in Canada, but misconceptions about breast cancer are still preventing women from getting screened.
"Sometimes it's part of a misconception; we found there are a lot of women who think, 'Oh, if I don't have breast cancer in my family, I'm probably not going to get it,'" Morris said.
"Unfortunately, about 90 per cent of breast cancer is just being a woman and getting older."
Sharalynn Ball, a woman in her 40s sitting on the art gallery stairs behind the bus, said she knows it's important to get screened, but she was doubtful she would sign up that day on the bus.
"If nothing hurts, don't disturb it, you know?" Ball said. "Maybe if someone called me and said, 'Hey, your appointment [for a mammogram] is up,' I would go."
Dr. Moira Stilwell, an MLA speaking on behalf of Health Minister Mike de Jong, said, "If you come once, more than 85 per cent come back."
"Once you're in the system, you get a reminder letter and you're over that initial anxiety. So if we can just get women in the door, we'll have fantastic statistics."
The province contributed $500,000 to the $1.1-million cost of the bus campaign, Stilwell said.

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menjaga kecantikan

Gambar: Maya Karin & Adiknya, Irina Melati Berkongsi Rahsia Kecantikan

February 17, 2011 by RotiKaya Staff  
Filed under CelebritiesNewsPhotos
maya karin adik irina melati Gambar: Maya Karin & Adiknya, Irina Melati Berkongsi Rahsia KecantikanSooo what’s up? Rindu kami? Heh.
Setelah beberapa kami suci dari gossip liar artis, kami kini kembali.
Pagi ini kita mulakan dengan sesuatu yang lebih santai — Maya Karin & adiknya.
Dalam Harian Metro keluaran hari ini, Maya Karin tampil bersama adik’nya, Irina Melati untuk berkongsi rahsia kecantikan mereka berdua.
Kami tidak tahu sama ada anda pun sama, ini merupakan kali pertama untuk kami Maya Karin & adiknya di’gandingkan bersama.
Sedikit info berkenaan Irina Melati, beliau kini bertugas sebagai seorang peguam di kota London & pernah muncul dalam beberapa video muzik di’sana.
Terbaru, Irina Melati di’sambar pihak L’Oreal Malaysia untuk menjadi duta untuk salah satu produk keluaran mereka. Maya Karin juga salah seorang duta L’Oreal.
Irina Melati kini berusia 27 tahun & kini sudah kembali ke London untuk meneruskan kerjaya guaman beliau. Lagi gambar selepas ini. Read more

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

how health is your bedroom

We spend roughly a third of our lives in our bedrooms. So it’s not surprising that the state of your boudoir can affect not just the quality of your sleep and your sex life (duh), but also your stress levels, your allergy symptoms, even your exposure to toxins. 

Like a lot of us, I suffer from allergies, I don’t sleep as well as I’d like, and I’m definitely always looking for ways to improve my health. So I invited five healthy-living pros—an allergist, a sleep doc, a green-lifestyle specialist, a stress expert, and a sex coach—into my house to assess the state of my bedroom. Turn the page for the surprising health and happiness hazards the experts uncovered, and their tips for turning my bedroom (and yours!) into a truly restorative retreat.

First visit: the allergist
Make mold history My house was built in the 1880s and has suffered water damage over the years. One leak in particular is ongoing—no one can seem to fix it! And sure enough, there are telltale signs of mold on the walls, says David Fost, MD, an allergist 
Shannon Greer
and immunologist in Verona, New Jersey. It seems I’m living in the ideal breeding ground for all types of mold, from Aspergillus—the most common cause of respiratory disease—toCladosporium, a fungus often involved in skin and nail infections. 

"They can aggravate typical allergy symptoms like stuffiness, wheezing, and skin and eye irritation," Dr. Fost says. The remedy: We’ll need to plug up the leak for good (if that’s possible), clean the area with a bleach solution, and keep the humidity low (between 40 and 60 percent) by using a dehumidifier and/or an air conditioner (which also removes moisture from the air).

Say sayonara to dust mites Next on the hit list is dust mites, which excrete a protein in their feces that can trigger sneezing and a runny nose. You can’t see them, but Dr. Fost knows they’re there—mainly because I haven’t taken any precautions to keep them out. "In humid areas like the Northeast, where we are, a mattress will double its weight in 10 years from dust mites," Dr. Fost says. So I’m basically sleeping in bug poop. Nice. The fix is to use hypoallergenic encasements on my mattress and pillows (Dr. Fost recommends Mission: Allergy). I also need to wash my sheets weekly in hot water, lower the thermostat (to 68 degrees in winter), and again, keep humidity levels low. It will also help, he says, to use a HEPA-filter vacuum and to clean with microfiber cloths that trap dust instead of launching it into the air. The good news: Dr. Fost does approve of the area rug I have on the floor instead of allergen-trapping wall-to-wall carpeting. Phew.

Popular Alzheimer's Drug Ineffective for mild cases

MONDAY, April 11, 2011 ( — A drug widely used to treat mildAlzheimer’s disease appears to provide no benefit to this group of early-stage patients, according to a new analysis of previously conducted research.
Memantine, also known by its brand name, Namenda, is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only for moderate-to-severe cases of Alzheimer’s, although doctors often prescribe it “off-label” for milder cases of the disease.
“We conclude that there is a lack of efficacy in mild Alzheimer’s,” says the lead researcher, Lon Schneider, M.D., a professor of psychiatry, neurology, and gerontology at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles. “We think physicians, patients, and caregivers should simply know this.”
Pairing memantine with a cholinesterase inhibitor, a type of drug that prevents the breakdown of neurotransmitters involved in memory, has become a standard treatment for mild Alzheimer’s disease, but this study “clearly flies in the face” of that approach, says William Thies, PhD, the chief medical and scientific officer of the Alzheimer’s Association, a research and advocacy organization based in Chicago.
People with mild Alzheimer’s have impaired short- and long-term memory and typically experience difficulty with tasks such as paying bills, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Those with moderate disease may have trouble remembering their address or phone number and can become confused about the day of the week or their whereabouts.
In 2003, the FDA approved memantine for moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease, but two years later the agency rejected an application from the manufacturer, Forest Laboratories, to expand the approval to mild Alzheimer’s.
The drug has nevertheless remained popular for that purpose. Nearly one-fifth of all people with mild Alzheimer’s received the drug in 2006, and the rates may be far higher in some hospitals and practices, according to the study, which appears in the journal Archives of Neurology. Many neurologists—40 percent, by one estimate—even prescribe the drug for mild cognitive impairment, a condition that may or may not progress to full-blown dementia.
Dr. Schneider and his colleagues reanalyzed data from three clinical trials that included 431 patients with mild Alzheimer’s disease and 697 with moderate Alzheimer’s. The trials were originally sponsored by Forest, but the new analysis was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health and other non-industry sources. (Dr. Schneider has served as a consultant for Forest.)
Patients with mild Alzheimer’s who took memantine showed no improvement in mental function and their ability to handle everyday tasks (such as bathing and dressing) compared to those who took placebo, either within any one trial or when all of the data was combined.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

mejaga rambut anda

Rambut yang sihat dan berkilat akan menarik perhatian semua orang. Ia menunjukkan bahawa anda berasa sihat dan yakin pada diri sendiri!
Anda mungkin mengalami masalah rambut jika pemakanan anda tidak mempunyai cukup sesetengah nutrien. Misalnya, rambut yang kering atau tidak bermaya mungkin disebabkan oleh kekurangan biotin, iaitu sejenis nutrien yang didapati dalam kacang-kacang, buah-buahan, tomato dan susu. Kerosakan rambut yang drastik juga boleh berlaku jika anda mempunyai gangguan cara makan, seperti anoreksia atau bulimia. Jadi, makanlah dengan sihat untuk mendapat rambut yang cantik, berkilat dan sihat!
Cara yang senang untuk menjaga rambut anda:
  • Gunakan jenis syampu yang sesuai untuk jenis rambut anda.
  • Urut dengan lembut apabila mencuci rambut anda, jangan menggosoknya.
  • Jagalah rambut anda dengan baik. Jangan mengeritingkan, menyah-warnakan, meniupkeringkan, meluruskan atau mewarnakan rambut anda terlalu banyak.
  • Jagalah rambut anda daripada terlalu banyak sinaran matahari atau air klorin.
  • Makan dengan sihat, bersenam selalu dan jangan merokok atau minum alkohol.
  • Jika anda mengalami masalah rambut, seperti keguguran rambut, pergilah berjumpa doktor untuk merawatinya.
Adakan Ini Benar?

Mitos #1: Membubuh susu pada rambut saya akan menjadikannya lebih berkilat.
Benar/Palsu? Palsu. Susu harus diminum, bukan digunakan sebagai �syampu�. Makanlah dengan sihat dan seimbang untuk mendapatkan rambut yang sihat.

Mitos #2: Mengambil pil dan herba �rawatan rambut� akan membantu rambut saya menjadi sihat.
Benar/Palsu? Palsu. Bahan-bahan ini tidak menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut yang sihat. Sebaliknya, pil-pil yang mempunyai kandungan vitamin A dan E yang amat tinggi, jika diambil untuk jangka masa yang lama, boleh menyebabkan keguguran rambut.